A visit to Lifestyle Christianity University, Todd White's own Evangelism school! The event, Equipped for Purpose with special speaker, Dan Mohler and our phenomenal team hit the streets of downtown Dallas, TX!

What a VERY POWERFUL experience to say the least!
God knew EXACTLY what he was doing by bringing me to this free event in Wautaga, TX at Todd White's own, Lifestyle Christianity University. A 3-Year Evangelism school that trains believers in the Supernatural. This event was a promotion for their school, combined with 2-Days of preaching from Dan Mohler.
Both Todd White and Dan Mohler are the closest in this age of an actual representation of Jesus in the flesh. Mass miracles, deliverances and people coming to know the Lord through their obedience of sacrificing self for God's will. Their lives are truly beautiful!
Being there was phenomenal. God gave me an amazing camp site to stay at surrounded by a gorgeous lake and mansions. The 1st day which was supposed to be for outreach was actually dedicated to ministering to one of our team who had his first Holy-Spirit encounter in the restaurant! He told me - I'm glad you're driving back, because I'm a WRECK!
2nd Day was even better! Our group was slightly shifted - a couple left, and one was added. I asked them if they heard from God where we should go... They said they heard to ask me! Which was perfect, because God had already told me... Downtown Dallas! 3 hours of praying over people on the street - about 20 all in all were prayed for... 10 Bibles were given away... and you know it - Bananas were shared as well as left-over food.
One teammate said we were supposed to be by the train. So, we went to the public transit train line. Where we prayed healing over a handicapped womans feet and knees. One teammate interceded a physical altercation... I was solicited by a pimp... One person received the Holy Spirit as he received intercessory prayer over his circumstances... and ONE - yes, it only takes one... was led to Jesus!!
He was fresh out of jail, living at a Half-Way House. He said that he promised himself he would go to church once he got out, however he was Muslim. So even though he felt called to go, there was some internal strife about it. The 3 of us talked with him for about a half hour... and I felt Gods urging to call him out as God sees him. Once I did that, he was blown away that anyone could think such lovely things about him, and he was led in prayer, surrendering his life to Jesus!
Praise Jehovah!!
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