Meet the Founder!

A true adventurist at heart: Melissa Wagner, has quite the adventure of a life!
She gave her heart to Jesus early at the age of 5 and was SOLD OUT for Jesus- ministering within her school classes until the age of 7. When she very quickly realized that her zeal for Christ was unappreciated.
She went inwardly as a child being heavily made fun of - she sought the ways of the world with her Tween years and learned to people please her way through the rest of high school.
Once she graduated and moved out of her parents' house, she rebelled... HARD!! Everything her mother taught her NOT to do - well... SHE DID! You imagine it - she did it. Almost every drug, every lifestyle she could get her hands on... she never got into gangs or murdered anyone. She did have SOME protective boundaries... not many though.
At the age of 25, God finally showed her the power of the Holy Spirit when he began sending people her way during her hour-long commute to work as she read her Bible. During this time, she faced gangs, prayed over heroin addicts during overdosing, and homeless people on the street.
It was SUCH a powerful time!
At the age of 34, after the birth of her 2nd child, she fell under the spirit of suicide and that's when God REALLY began the work in her!
(I've run out of time... more to come!!)
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