Consider purchasing a Bible directly through our Amazon Wish List with direct shipment to us!

Or donating financially by clicking on the link:


I can't believe how God showed up and showed OUT!!

At the beginning of 2023, 6 months into driving ride-share, I realized God was moving mountains in my car through prophetic words given, prayer, healing, restoration - all in Jesus Mighty Name!!

God gave me an idea of giving Bibles away. I did some math, and figured out if I gave away 2 Bibles a week, then that would be around 100 Bibles a year.

That seemed reasonable to me, and so I began asking churches to donate Bibles.

There was no hesitation in showing up! I'm so grateful for the church, groups, ministries and individuals who donated!!

Over 500 Bibles were donated, and 465 Bibles were disbursed in Missouri, Illinois and Arkansas!

3500 People were prayed over through ride share alone, and that doesn't include the people I've seen on the street who've received prayer as well.

96 People received a prophetic word.

15 People received prayer through the laying of hands and received healing. 

3 People either rededicated their hearts to Jesus or gave their lives to him!!



I've seen people headed to do VERY HORRIFIC things and do an about face in Jesus Name and run the other way for their lives! I believe it is from a Holy Spirit conviction brought on by intercessory prayer while driving by. 

God can move mountains with faith of a mustard seed!

How do you climb a mountain? One step at a time?

How do you change cities? One prayer! One person! One act of kindness! One Healing! One testimony!


To see peace on the face of the perpetually tormented!! To see people set free from chains and bondage!! To see people free from pain!!


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